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Movie archive: 8 search hits

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Movie archive


Badlands | USA 1973 | Drama | Terrence Malick

Days of Heaven

Days of Heaven | USA 1978 | Drama | Terrence Malick | 12

Knight of Cups

USA 2015 | Drama, Love Stories | Terrence Malick | 6

Yet another opulent and mystifying meditation on the essence of life by veteran arthouse director Terrence Malick.

The Thin Red Line

The Thin Red Line | USA 1998 | Antikriegsfilm | Terrence Malick | 12

Song to Song

USA 2017 | Drama, Love Stories, Music Films | Terrence Malick | 6

Terrence Malick’s most recent stream-of-consciousness feature is centered on a love triangle set against the Texan music scene that’s above all about one thing: the human need for physical touch.

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life | USA 2011 | Drama | Terrence Malick

A Hidden Life

A Hidden Life | USA 2019 | Drama, Biography | Terrence Malick | 12

Like in his very first film, the lyrical BADLANDS (1973), A HIDDEN LIFE is also modeled after a true story. Franz Jägerstettet was an Austrian conscientious objector in World War II. When he was drafted, he refused the oath of allegiance to Hitler.

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