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Cinema listings: no search hits

Movie archive: 6 search hits

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Movie archive

Brokeback Mountain

USA 2005 | Drama | Ang Lee | 12

The Ice Storm

The Ice Storm | USA 1997 | Tragicomedy | Ang Lee | 12

Gemini Man

USa 2019 | Action, Science Fiction | Ang Lee | 12

Aging hitman Henry Brogan (Will Smith) finds himself under fire from a younger assassin who turns out to be his younger clone.

Life of Pi

USA 2012 | Adventure, Drama | Ang Lee | 12

Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility | USA 1995 | Comedy, Love-story | Ang Lee | 6

Taking Woodstock

USA 2009 | Comedy, Music Films | Ang Lee | 6

A US comedy set during the Woodstock festival.

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